Care For Creation

 Care For Creation for Adults and Families

WELCOME  (scroll down to read more)

Why are we talking about the environment and ecology in church?

Watch: Catholicism and the Challenge of Ecology


 Earth Day Prayer created by parishoners of All Saints Catholic Church in Syracuse


What is Laudato Si?

Pope Francis wrote a document, known as an encyclical for church teaching on why and how the issue of the environment is a social justice issue that calls us as Catholic disciples to be educated and involved in caring for God’s creation. Here is an overview summary of the document.

Read:  “A Catholic Response to Global Warming"

The Diocese of Syracuse Laudato Si Task Force

 is working to help us be educated and respond to Creation Care in our local communities and parishes. They have created two videos to help us understand Laudato Si.


Scripture and Spirituality of Laudato Si

The science of Laudato Si 

Understand and Act:

Catholic Climate Covenant is a Catholic group that inspires and equips people and institutions to care for creation and care for the poor. Through our 19 national partners, we guide the U.S. Church's response to climate change by educating, giving public witness, and offering resources.

Global warming affects everyone around the world, but the poorest nations are affected the most seriously.  Catholic Relief Services helps us be in touch with the needs of our international community who need our prayers and assistance.

Read the stories from around the world:

The Effects of Climate Change

For Families

Families can educate themselves and take small actions to reduce their carbon footprint.


Strong Catholic Family Faith

Ten Things in Your Home Linked to Climate Change

Try this:

Home Energy Audit

Watch the movie from Netfix: 

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind



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