Summer Sunday Scripture: August 2, 2020
The preparation for Sunday scripture individual and/or Zoom group will be a little different for the summer The group would like to still continue meeting, but Marge and Debbie are going to take a break from curating the support materials. We will continue to provide a link to the readings, and also a link to the St. Louis University Liturgy website which provides a lot of background information on the Sunday readings. If in the course of our other work we come across a video that works for the readings we will put it up as well, but our discussion will primarily be a breaking open of the Word for the weekend. Zoom Discussion Group Thursdays 11:00 AM A link will be sent to you prior to the session. Please REGISTER HERE Sunday August 2, 2020 LINKS Readings The Sunday Reflections at St. Louis University Website How do I approach the Sunday scriptures to prepare to participate in group sharing? We gather with others with the purpose of hearing God’s voice spea...